Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's to 2013!

So, 2012 is gone. Another year I've managed to stay sane, surprisingly.

Like mostly all of you, I too was out enjoying my night last night with friends, and enjoying my first New Year's Eve as a Mrs. Getting crazy, and wreckless, and just having a good time.

But today, as I sit around, and try to recover, it really gives me time to think about the things I'd really like to accomplish this new year. I really spent 2012 changing all the things that I wanted to "fix" about my life. Cutting contact with toxic people, lost all the weight i wanted to lose, finally did things to make myself happy, and stopped letting everyone decide my happiness for me...

but i think this year, i'd like to ;

become a better mother. - I think that I have the ability to become an even better parent. I have been raising my children alone (with tons and tons of family support) ever since both of them were born. So now, being married to someone who is not their dad, that was a huge adjustment. Dan is great with my kids, he really is, and he helps me, and steps in when I need him, and he's really become a great "father figure." But, I financially support them, take them to all their appointments, and to and from school... I want to work towards that crazy "homemade" mom. I want to do more things at home. I want to bake more with them. I want to play more board games. I want to read more stories. I want more "family" down time. I want to work all four of us incorporating more family quality time. Whether it be going to fun family activities, all of us doing things together... I want and need more of this. I just need to start looking for more family friendly things for us to do.

be the best wife I can be. - I think that I fail Dan on many levels sometimes. I am trying to be the best spouse I think I possibly can be...but this has been, well, a learning experience. I have been completely on my own (with a boyfriend here or there) for the past five years, and I am completely used to doing everything my way. He is complete opposite of me when it comes to certain things, and it makes it hard to see eye to eye sometimes. I am working on it. And I know that I need to just live day to day, and really do the best I really can. I always think of my mother, and seeing what she did for my dad growing up. My mom was a superwoman. She still is. The way she was able to make my dad's life so much easier for him ; that's exactly the wife/partner that I want to be for my husband. I want him to really appreciate me, and see my worth. And not be able to picture his life without me. If I can accomplish this, I will feel like I have done a good job.

learn how to coupon! - I have seen so many people save so much money doing this, and I have no idea how any of it works. I have read many blogs about it, and have read success stories from people who do this as a past time...but I am the type of person that I need to physically do something in order to learn how to do it. I feel like this would give me something fun to do in my spare time, and save my family lots of money!

maintain my weight. - I am very proud to say that over this holiday season, I was able to "splurge" but i didn't go overboard, and then blame it on the holidays (like i've done every other year). I was able to enjoy thanksgiving, christmas, and the new year, without over doing it. That's what I want to keep doing. It feels very good now to be able to sit around, watching TV without snacking out. I used to literally sit in front of my TV on lazy days, and just eat and eat and eat. I haven't done that in almost a year. And that feels pretty good. I don't really have any weight goals for the upcoming year...I just want to stay slim like I am (at least long enough to take pictures on the truck...lol).

be happy. - I just want life to keep getting better. I have been through so much the last few years. and it just feels good to be happy. I love waking up smiling. I love being a bum with my husband and just laughing. I love my children, and that they are happy. I love that I was able to sacrifice all that I had to give all of us a better life. I want to maintain that for 2013, and just live life to the fullest that I can. I want to keep my friends close, I want to be able to have fun, and I want to be able to balance out everything in my life and just do the things I want to do.


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